How to Concentrate While Studying

Being able to concentrate while you are studying is absolutely the key to doing well in classes and on your exams. Concentration levels are something that are somewhat of a subconscious thing, so we must work hard to maximize our concentration levels. How can you do that?


Things You'll Need:

  • Study time
  • Study area
  • Adequate rest
  • Adequate food intake
  1. 1
    The first step is preparation. You have to be ready to study when you sit down to study for that big exam. What things can you do to be ready? Get enough rest the night before, eat a good healthy meal, and even some light exercise before studying can get the mind in the mood to concentrate.
  2. 2
    Let it ring and get back with them later.
    Let it ring and get back with them later.
    Set aside a block of time to study and do not deviate from that time. If your friend calls, let it ring and call them back later. If you say you are studying from 7pm to 8pm, then make sure you stick to it. It is very easy to get away from this schedule, but a firm schedule is the only way you'll get your studying done.
  3. 3
    Keep those brain cells working!
    Keep those brain cells working!
    Make sure you give yourself some breaks while you are studying. Don't take breaks during your firm scheduled time, but also don't make that time too long without taking a break. For example, if your study time is from 7pm to 8pm, take a break from 8pm to 8:30 pm, then get started again. A mind can only be at full concentration levels for so long.
  4. 4
    Televisions aren't helpful.
    Televisions aren't helpful.
    Get rid of all the distractions that could be hindering your concentration on what you are studying. For example, watching television and studying doesn't go well together. For some, a little light music can help, but that is more of a preference.
  5. 5
    It is also best if you have a specific spot that you normally study in. If you just wander around the house and study from place to place it doesn't allow your mind to get in the study mode as quickly. Set a particular place that you are comfortable with and use it to study.
  6. 6
    Be wise about the hours in which you study. Studying right before an exam is a good idea, but too much cramming can be bad. Also, it is a good idea to study right before you go to bed, but make sure you get a full night's sleep or you likely won't remember nearly as much!